Emotional intelligence is an important lever to getting things done through others.
“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.” —Dale Carnegie
The essence of emotional intelligence is the psychological concept of attunement—to bring into accord, harmony; to adjust.
How can we adjust to each other in a way that brings harmony to our work together? We can obtain harmony even if we sing a different note—as long as we make music rather than noise.
Good teams are in tune. Unproductive teams create dissonance.
The disciples were frequently out of tune and were corrected by Jesus. They learned to work in one accord, it didn’t come naturally.
It doesn’t come naturally to us, either.
Consider how powerful your example if tuning in becomes a part of how you do everything.
Harmonic relationships are built one note at a time. When we make it a point to tune into our clients, their very point of need will ring out.
Productivity for our clients comes from becoming attuned to them.
Staying in tune requires the intent to make necessary adjustments as required. It becomes part of the process.
Spiritual attunement is achieved with prayer and ample portions of the golden rule.
“These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.” (Acts 1:14)
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