I had the privilege to interview T.D. Jakes on my podcast yesterday. Many of his sermons have moved me over the years, as have his writings.
Along the way, I learned that Bishop Jakes is a successful entrepreneur and knows his pastoral calling is linked to helping others succeed by helping them pursue their dreams of business ownership.
One of the takeaways from the interview was this quote: “Build a team to build the dream.” He spoke of building a team of doers with complementary skills and gifts. Too many dysfunctional teams are known for how they internally compete.
When we compete within a team, we miss the value of organizational synergy. Individuals have limited success. The “look at me” badge quickly tarnishes.
Jesus recruited a team of disciples as they worked in their business. He taught them to function as a team. He rebuked their desire for rank and privilege. He taught them to die to self.
Their teamwork continues to impact the world.
Jesus loved the individual but taught His disciples how to work together.
Stay below your press clippings.
Last in line is fine.
Do nothing for selfish ambition.
Effective leaders build dream teams.
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