Simon Cowell seems kinder and gentler since his days as a judge on American Idol.
As Executive Producer of America’s Got Talent, he is friendly and speaks with more encouragement. He’s still tough on singers but loved the act with cats who jump through hoops on command.
It seems that once or twice during each show he offers a strong message of hope to a contestant: “I’m going to remember you.”
What a powerful marketing strategy! Make sure your message to a target audience is never forgotten. Work hard to promise a benefit that will never be forgotten.
If the benefit you offer has little relevance to the audience—if the product does not meet an immediate need—it’s likely your offer will not be remembered.
To continue the Simon analogy, it’s such a waste of time and resources to step onto a platform and offer nothing of value.
Value is determined by the audience.
We cannot craft our message as a machine cranks out widgets.
A machine is not made to do anything creative. It is built to produce.
God made man in His own image to create value. We function best when we live by the principles of addition and multiplication.
When we focus on production, we take on the properties of a machine.
We grind, creak, and groan as we operate in machine language. The clipboard-toting plant manager tallies the output with an expectation to produce more for the sake of more.
As we pray for daily bread, we understand that provision is an act of creation rather than production. His Holy Spirit nudges us to create ways and means to add value to the kingdom.
God doesn’t send people to us for machine work.
God created us to add value.
“Now He who supplies seed to the sower and supplies bread for your food will also multiply your seed sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness” (2 Corinthians 9:10).
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