I remember one of my elementary school math teachers made a big deal about double checking our work. She even made us exchange papers with our neighbors and check their work.
Little did I know at the time, she taught a powerful life lesson.
Work checking is a good sign of how much we care about our work. The more we care, the more we check.
Airplane pilots check each other’s work. Errors in the air are deadly. I hope I have a perfectionist pilot on every flight. Safe arrival depends upon attention to detail.
Perfectionism is often mocked and rarely celebrated. It seems many service organizations feel accuracy is optional.
What is good enough for you? How important is it that your work is error-free? Do you settle for good enough?
As customers, we expect perfection.
As providers, it seems okie dokie to provide less.
I still see my teacher looking over the top of her glasses at me.
“Did you check your work?”
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