On the Greenelines podcast, I ask each guest to recommend a book for two as suggested reading for my audience. (The show had 300,000 downloads in October!)
I’ll try to share four books recommended on my show in this newsletter every Friday. I’ll also include links to each interview.
Note: I am not an Amazon affiliate, and I am not compensated in any way for the sales of books.
Recommended by Linda Fields. Listen to our interview here:
“While most books about money build a foundation ï¬?rmly on management and ‘working harder’ strategies, The Truth of Economy builds on a foundation of purpose,” according to the book’s Amazon description. “What is the primary purpose of money in your life? The answer might seem obvious: to increase my buying power. However, simply shifting the purpose of money in your life creates a powerful conduit for wealth creation. It might shock you to know that the Creator of the universe has a purpose for money and He’ll give you the power to create wealth. He has designed the system and principles necessary to reap from a purpose-driven investment and provide all you need without paycheck-to-paycheck worry.
“‘And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day’ (Deut. 8:18, NKJV).
“Within these pages, you will discover a new way to see, think and behave. Yes, this book is about money, wealth, and understanding economic structures but its primary focus is ‘looking behind the curtain’ and clearly seeing money’s eternal purpose.”
Recommended book by Mike:
“Making Lightning is about positioning our hearts to encounter the majesty of Jesus and restoring our sense of wonder,” says the Amazon description. “We don’t have to live spiritually bored. Many do not live fully alive to God’s best plan and highest purposes and are missing out on life’s opportunities. We need to recover the wonder of it all. Encountering God’s presence through an amped-up devotional flame will not only enable us to walk in the fire of first love but will also empower us to release a sound that will awaken a sleeping generation. In Making Lightning, you’ll discover how to: Energize your heart to be desperately devoted to Jesus. Engage the awe-filled wonder of God’s Presence. Cultivate a tender heart toward God and others by setting fire to spiritual disciplines. Become the Lord’s Vent. Glorify God by walking in the fire of first love. Strengthen your devotional flame with an expectation to see results. Build solemn assemblies that minister to Jesus and release His purposes.”
Recommended Book by Jim:
“Your life’s calling is too important to let toxic people take it away,” according to Amazon. “In When to Walk Away, Gary Thomas—bestselling author of Sacred Marriage—draws from biblical and modern stories to equip you with practical insights to handle toxic people in your life and live true to your God-given purpose.
“As Christians, we often feel the guilt and responsibility of meeting the needs of unhealthy people in our lives. Whether a sibling, parent, spouse, coworker or friend, toxic people frequently seek to frustrate our life’s calling. While you’re seeking first God’s kingdom, they’re seeking first to distract your focus and delay your work.
“Instead of attempting the impossible task of mollifying toxic people, it’s time we dedicate our energy to the only worthwhile effort: completing the work God has given us by investing in reliable people. It’s only when we learn to say no to bad patterns that we can say yes to the good work God has planned for us.
“Bestselling author of Sacred Marriage, Gary Thomas looks at biblical examples from the lives of Jesus, Paul and Nehemiah. Drawing from years serving as a pastor, Thomas shares modern stories and practical examples for dealing with the toxic people in our lives. Each chapter includes insightful takeaways that you can apply right away. You’ll discover how to:
- “Learn the difference between difficult people and toxic people
- “Find refuge in God when you feel under attack
- “Discern when to walk away from a toxic situation
- “Keep a tender heart even in unhealthy relationships
- “Grow your inner strength and invest in reliable people
“Learn the difference between difficult people and toxic people
“Find refuge in God when you feel under attack
“Discern when to walk away from a toxic situation
“Keep a tender heart even in unhealthy relationships
“Grow your inner strength and invest in reliable people
“We can’t let others steal our joy or our mission. It’s time to strengthen our defense, learn to set healthy boundaries, and focus on our God-given purpose. It’s time to know When to Walk Away.”
Recommended by Rex:
It began as another newspaper assignment, a celebrity profile of the children’s television icon,” says the description. “But in Fred Rogers, Texas journalist Tim Madigan found more than a fascinating subject. From their first meeting in 1995, at Rogers’ invitation, the two became unlikely friends, a deep and abiding relationship that lasted until Rogers’ death in 2003.
“In that time, Madigan found Rogers to be much more than the calm and compassionate personality of television. He was a person of unique human greatness who embodied love, compassion and wisdom his every waking moment. He was the transcendent being who guided Madigan through periods of life-threatening depression and the tragic death of a sibling and helped him heal his difficult relationship with his father.
“I’m Proud of You reveals Fred Rogers as a person who deserves a place among history’s greatest people. It chronicles male friendship at its finest and most powerful. And it is a book that has already brought hope and inspiration to many thousands of its readers. With this second edition, including a new afterword by the author, the inspiration continues.
“‘Fred comes to life in I’m Proud of You, with his simple goodness etched on every page, and his complicated greatness etched in the heart of every reader who finishes the book and decides to become a better person.’—Tom Junod, writer at large for Esquire
“‘A loving testament to the power of friendship and to a most remarkable man.’—The Boston Sunday Globe
“‘I’m Proud of You will connect with the same audience that loved Mitch Albom’s Tuesdays with Morrie and its celebration of male mentoring and friendship.’—USA Today
“‘A poignant, inspiring account…’—Minneapolis Star-Tribune”