Charisma Media offers a range of advertising options that target unique segments of the Christian audience. Each magazine and digital platform yields high readership, engagement, and relevant content for today’s readers.

Charisma Digital Online Magazine Advertising

Charisma Digital Online magazine has long-time, highly-engaged readers. Our Christian-focused message provides advertisers with the opportunity to reach spirit-filled Christians with their message, product, services, and causes. Charisma’s conservative readers are eager to align with brands with Christian values.

Charisma Magazine Cover

Charisma Audience Profile

Charisma digital online magazine’s unrivaled reach to the charismatic and Pentecostal market forms your platform foundation to develop brand awareness, lead generations and bring growth to this responsive market.

Charisma digital online magazine is the brand to engage passionate, Spirit-filled Christians inspired to radically change the world for God. Our readers are inspired, insightful, credible, encouraging, relevant and catalysts for unity.

Passionate about understanding God’s Word, the Charisma audience loves to see God’s supernatural power at work in their lives and around the world today.


Advertising is changing. Charisma Digital allows you to engage your audience with ads that look and function like natural site content and ads that target key demographics. As the fastest growing segment in online advertising, space is limited. Charisma Digital offers advertising through the Charisma News app, e-books, e-newsletters, a robust website, digital editions of its magazines.

Charisma Digital Advertising

Charisma Digital Audience Profiles

Charisma Digital Advertising is spread across our digital magazine, newsletters, popups, website takeovers, web banners, e-blasts, newsletters, native ads, Meta (Facebook) ads, and more! Our highly responsive audiences come to Charisma digital platforms for world news, church/ministry, spiritual warfare, supernatural, bible study, the prophetic, spiritual growth, prayer, and more.