Two-all beef patties, lettuce…. can you finish this slogan?
One of the most popular jingles ran for only 18 months! The challenge was to be able to sing the jingle.
Do you know what has made people remember the jingle 43 years later?
singing might break out in this podcast!
Dive into the marketing concepts necessary to achieve the type of top-of-mind awareness that leads to your target audience remembering your brand for years to come!
The jingle referenced in this episode.
In this episode, our host shares key marketing strategies to build top-of-mind awareness. Below are articles that will help listeners dive into these insights.
“The commercial is Hall of Fame worthy. The words to the jingle are brilliant. But the secret ingredient to the success of this marketing campaign came from the deep. Deep frequency.” Read more
“If the benefit you offer has little relevance to the audience—if the product does not meet an immediate need—it’s likely your offer will not be remembered.” Read more
The host in action
Dr. Steve Greene | Instagram @dr.stevegreene | Twitter @drstevegreene
nge of that commercial was to be able to sing the jingle to be able to put that jingle in your mind. And in fact, the very first commercial they ran were a lot of people trying to remember it. They were singing it in a grocery store, they’d sing it out on the beach, you know, somebody with a microphone would walk up and say, Can you sing the McDonalds to I’ll be fatty song and they start to sing it. mess it all up. And it makes the jingle really funny and makes them
Message memorable that commercial is worthy of the hall of fame for all I know, it might be in it and I just don’t know the words to the jingle or brilliant. It just starts with the recipe to all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce and other stuff. When you put all that together, you’ve got a real good description of excellent copy that sings the product benefits. Let’s agree that many business owners have a certain reaction when a marketer like me says the word frequency right off the bat, though thinking that, oh, you’re just trying to get my pocket you just want more money. You’re saying frequency because you want me to run the ad more times more times for commercials more times on radio more times on TV, you just want more this is just your way of trying to get more money for me. So I could take a couple of approaches that and say that you know, you just need to find someone else because that’s not who I am. I don’t take money from people. But I also want to say to you, I want to give you if I’m a medical doctor, I might give you an entire bottle of
penicillin to get rid of your infection. You don’t question me if I asked you to take every pill that’s in the bottle, you’ll just take it you won’t question the importance of frequency from medicine. You’ll just do it. And you know, sometimes I don’t always get tired of taking them. But for the most part doctor say take it all frequency is important. And I want to say that as a PhD in marketing on marketing. Dr. Least I play one on podcasts city, I will tell people without any question. Frequency is good for you. The more frequency the better. I really believe that more frequency is a good thing. It’s sad, that marketing always devolve that always breaks down into that money discussion. And I agree that McDonald’s has buckets of money to spend on marketing and they’ve spent it they run a heavy frequency to a lot but with today’s media choices, small budgets can generate a lot of frequency you can generate fairly inexpensive frequency with Twitter and Instagram. Maybe a
Little bit of Facebook their money grabbing more than I’d like to see them doing, but my goodness, multibillion dollar company, and guess they’ve got bills to pay that make them charge for us placing up really good messages for a new advertiser. Someone who’s trying to get their product to market with any target market, whatever your target is. The primary objective is to build awareness for the product, make awareness spread. It first starts with awareness. I can’t go somewhere and find a product if I’m not aware of it. Now that I’m aware of it, you’ve got to advertise frequency to move me to attempt to buy it begins with awareness. But awareness is necessary but not sufficient.
We need more than awareness. How many times do you pass places that you’re very aware of, but haven’t been in there or don’t want to go in there. Maybe you’ve been wants to want to go back maybe you just don’t have a need for it. So frequency messages help to build resonance with that problem.
I know why I need it. I know why should go in their intent to buy what we’re all after intent to buy occurs when the problem and the solution or finally linked together it takes time. I like to teach in my classes that it’s a very long j curve, the J, the bottom of the J is going along that x axis, if you can see it are drawn on a piece of paper, draw that Jay with the bottom and the y axis is learning. So I’ve put numbers across that x axis one through 20 and draw long bottom of the J and look at learning not going up. It just kind of stays level might nudge up a little bit, and then all of a sudden, you get to that seventh, eighth, 10th or 20th depends on your product in the industry. But all of a sudden, and it’s usually fairly quickly there’s a great jump and that Jay the top of the J, the leg of the J goes up. Now if you look over at your y axis and you see learning you see that numbers going up. So learning starts to kick up
Not gradually usually but all at once after a certain level of frequency has been achieved and now learning really takes off you broken out of the clutter broke it out of the pack of all the other marketers and advertisers and people are really paying attention it begins to work for the Big Mac intend to buy really is just a simple reminder here All I gotta do is remind myself that I intend to have a Big Mac for much and I’ve been cut off of all those I can’t eat them anymore
once in a while but I’m not supposed to because it’s not good for me it’s not good for my health. So I guess my calorie intake not good for fat you know all the bad things but when I want one if I’m in my car and they start saying to me now you know it could be a steak and shake to they could sing to me and I go in there but when it comes to a hamburger and I hear this intent to buy song two all beef patties I begin to pay attention and I get to salivate like Pavlov’s dogs. I begin to think this is why I woke up this morning so I can have a bit
Mac most of us are at Canyon, jump away from the luxury of reminder advertising. We don’t even need to be talking about reminder advertising. There’s only five or 10 companies maybe in the United States that can really get away with reminder ads. We’re still building awareness and intent. McDonald’s can do reminders. Hey, don’t forget Big Mac. How about remember that VA juice vegetable sauce Deuce good stuff could have had a V eight. Well, they’re doing reminder advertising. You like the eight that’s a good little drink in the morning to start your day, but I forgot it. And that whole TV campaign was about remembering. We’ve just got to tie in that remembering right back to that strong felt need. Most of you probably are asking the question right now how much is enough and I believe it can be done within a reasonable budget. What I’m going to say to you is reasonable you can afford this need to find the right medium. So I want to give you like five bullet points real quick of things that you need to do and
To make sure that you’re not spending too much money, and you’re building the right frequency. So here it is this what I teach, I’ve taught at different ways. Most of my career haven’t shifted from it very much at all. So you start with a small target audience, draw a circle around the audience, make it smaller, somehow knock out one side of the of the demo, bring it down to what you observe in your store or a touching demo. If you’ve got 25 year olds in your store, maybe try 30 year olds, try that gap in between there and try to age your market up a little bit. But whatever you do, don’t pick a large target market that’s expensive, and you can’t get anything done because you won’t have enough frequency, get a smaller market and advertise inside that smaller market more times. That will give you frequency number two. My second bullet is when you talk that small target market, give them a felt need with your offer. Don’t just say 25% off or on sale today, or don’t look any further here it is stop now.