One of the most important lessons to learn in marketing is to get there slowly. The faster you try to race to get there, the longer it will take.

There is always a temptation to spray and pray messages through powerful broadcast media.

At one time, the thinking was to blast messages to as many people as possible through any broadcast medium.

We can do better than broadcast. We can narrowcast.

We can reach fewer people by sifting through an audience for relevance. Not everyone in a broadcast audience has a need for our product.

Narrowcasting is a slower trip. We must educate to connect. We prove through daily messaging that we understand a felt need and can provide the best solution in the industry.

In fact, our company will provide education before, during and after a connection has formed. Over time, as people come to us, we flip our mission and begin to connect to educate.

We never stop educating or connecting.

We embrace the slow drip of building trust with the people we help. We know we can’t help everyone so we don’t try. Our product or service exists to provide help for a unique felt need. The more unique the need, the more help we can provide.

Great marketers educate and connect an audience of one.

Needs aren’t met in a hurry.

Sharing is caring!

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